Moving to a new country can be full of challenges and one of the biggest hurdles is learning how to negotiate the language barrier. For migrants arriving in New Zealand, there can be cultural differences between their native tongues that make learning English even more difficult, making it hard for them to access services or find work.
Understanding the Language Barrier for Migrants in New Zealand
The Need to Learn English as Quickly as Possible for Work and Daily Life
Accessing Language Support Services for Migrants
Overcoming Cultural Differences by Learning About New Zealand’s Culture and Customs
Strategies for Making Friends With Kiwis Who Don’t Speak Your Native Language
Making friends in a foreign country can be an exciting and daunting experience. Particularly when language barriers make it difficult to connect with locals. However, with the right strategies, it is possible to forge strong relationships even with Kiwis who don’t speak your native language. First, try learning some basic phrases and idioms in their language.
Making Use of Technology to Bridge the Gap Between Different Languages and Cultures
Everyone deserves the opportunity to live their dream life and have the best experience living in a foreign land.