Skilled Migrant Category

Do you have the skills that New Zealand needs?

New Zealand is a peaceful and easy-going country free of communal strife and personal violence. No wonder you want to explore your options to get a resident visa to live and work in New Zealand indefinitely. If you can fill New Zealand’s needs of skills, experience and qualifications, applying for a Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa may be your best option.
A Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa will allow you to:
  • Live, work and study in New Zealand indefinitely
  • Make your partner and dependent children (under the age of 24) part of your residence visa application

What is the Process of Obtaining a New Zealand Resident Visa under the Skilled Migrant Category?

The Skilled Migrant Category Visa works under a points system that considers things such as your qualifications, work experience, age and an employment offer for skilled work. You also must be under 55 years of age and meet the character, health and English language requirements.
Here is how the Skilled Migrant Category process works:
  • You take a self-assessment to check if you meet all the requirements and determine your points
  • You then submit an EOI (Expression of Interest) to Immigration New Zealand
  • If you have a minimum of 160 points, you will be selected from the pool of EOIs and may receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA)
  • Once you receive an ITA, you can submit your resident visa application
  • If Immigration New Zealand finds everything to its satisfaction, you will be granted a resident visa

Book a consultation with our Auckland based immigration experts to see if you qualify for a New Zealand Resident Visa under the Skilled Migrant Category. We have helped many clients Skilled Migrant Visa for New Zealand, even in cases where they did not qualify during their self-assessment.

How Do You Accumulate Points Towards the New Zealand Skilled Migrant Category?

You are awarded points for:

  • Your age: 30 points for 20-39 years, 20 points for 40-44 years, 10 points for 45-49 years and 5 points for 50-55 years
  • Skilled employment: 50 points if you have been offered employment for skilled work in New Zealand
  • Employment under an absolute skills shortage area: An additional 10 points
  • Employment outside Auckland: Another 30 points
  • Offered pay rate beyond the high remuneration threshold: 20 more points
  • Recognised qualification: Between 40 and 70 points, based on your qualification
  • Extra points for qualifications obtained by undertaking full-time study in New Zealand
  • Skilled work experience: 10 to 50 points based on years of experience
  • Extra 10 points for 1 year of work experience in New Zealand
  • Work experience in an absolute skills shortage area: 10-15 points based on number of years
  • Extra points for your partner’s English skills, recognised qualification and work/offer of skilled employment in New Zealand

This is just an indicative list. NZ Immigration Help has a lot of experience working with New Zealand Resident Visas under the Skilled Migrant Category. Our dedicated team of licensed immigration experts can help you maximise your points for the Skilled Migrant Category. Book a consultation with us today to ensure you are not leaving money on the table.

What Conditions are Imposed on a New Zealand Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa?

Apart from good Character requirements, you need to meet these conditions once your visa has been granted:
  • You need to maintain employment for at least 3 months if your skilled employment is in Auckland. Your pay must not fall below the rate decided for your skilled employment points during the term of your employment for at least 3 months.
  • You need to maintain employment for at least 12 months if your skilled employment is outside of Auckland. Your pay must not fall below the rate decided for your skilled employment points during the term of your employment for at least 12 months.
You will be required to provide documentary evidence within 5 years of your stay in New Zealand as a resident to prove the above.
You can exit and enter New Zealand as many times as you wish before the expiration of your travel conditions (Your travel conditions expire after 2 years of your entry in New Zealand as a resident). To travel after that, you will either need:
  • A Permanent Resident Visa, or
  • A variation in your travel conditions

Do not endanger your Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa status if you feel you may not be able to meet these conditions. Book a consultation with our Auckland based licensed immigration professionals to discuss your case.

What is the Processing Time of a New Zealand Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa?

Immigration New Zealand takes a long time to process Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visas – anywhere from 5 to 14 months.
The application process is also quite involved with lots of documentary evidence to be presented. Work with an immigration expert to maximise your chances of success and reduce delays.

Our expert immigration team has been helping clients achieve their dream of getting a New Zealand Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa for many years. Let us help you get your resident visa in a timely manner. Book a consultation today to start the process.

How Much Does it Cost to Obtain a New Zealand Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa?

NZ Immigration Help is a team of licensed immigration experts dedicated to helping their clients obtain a New Zealand Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa at the lowest prices. We keep our costs low by detailing out all the required facts and documents needed for the success of the case earlier on.
We have a lot of experience with New Zealand Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visas that helps us provide you with the most cost-effective solution to ensure the success of your visa application. You will not be surprised by any hidden costs down the road.

Book a consultation with one of our immigration experts and let us help you obtain your New Zealand Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa at an affordable rate.

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