Section 61 Requests

Every visit to a foreign country comes with a visa expiration date. In case, if you are overstaying your welcome in New Zealand and don’t plan on leaving even if the visa expires, at some point you have to ensure that you aren’t breaking the law. If you are in New Zealand unlawfully and don’t have a deportation order yet, a Section 61 request can make you lawful again.
Now, most people have no idea what it is. It’s a common tendency to think of immigration issues as something profoundly cumbersome. But with proper professional aid, you can come out of even the most treacherous circumstances.

What to Do If Your New Zealand Visa Expires?

Do you wish to stay in New Zealand even after the expiration of your visa? Of course, you don’t want to break the law. So, how do you do it lawfully? The answer is Section 61 requests. We have a team of licensed immigration advisors based in Auckland. We can help you can make a Section 61 request professionally at a reasonable fee. Moreover, we offer a consultation session for prospective clients.

Having handled complicated immigration cases in the past, we can help you achieve your goal. So, what are you waiting for? Contact us for a consultation and say goodbye to your immigration issues at once!

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions concerning Section 61 requests addressed for your convenience.

How to Make a Section 61 request?

To make a Section 61 request, first you need to clearly explain your circumstances in a written form. It is advisable to provide relevant evidence for supporting your request. You need to provide the following information:

  • Personal details such as name, date of birth and Immigration New Zealand (INZ) client number
  • Contact details including phone number, email address, and postal address
  • An explanation behind why you are overstaying in New Zealand after the expiration of your visa
  • Circumstantial details supporting your reason to stay longer in New Zealand
  • How your stay in New Zealand will contribute to the country if you are willing to stay there for a longer duration

You should have a copy of the page in which you have mentioned your personal details in your passport. Moreover, you don’t need to send your original passport. As for supporting documents, you don’t need to provide anything extra. Unless you have the approval for your Section 61 request, you don’t need to pay any fees to Immigration New Zealand.

How is a Section 61 request assessed?

The assessment of a Section 61 request is not the same as assessing a regular visa application. A senior immigration officer handles all the requests at the INZ Manukau Area Office. The immigration officer has no obligation for considering your request. According to the law, they don’t have to

  • Give a reason behind their final decision
  • Raise inquiries about the data you submitted supporting the request
  • Grant you the visa type you asked for in your request – for instance, you might get a visitor visa even if you applied for a work visa
  • Give you a particular visa even if you are meeting the required criteria

How long does it take to assess a Section 61 request?

Every case for a Section 61 request is different. Each request requires different duration for assessment and there is no stipulated time frame.

What to do if your Section 61 request is not approved?

If your Section 61 request is not approved, you immediately have to leave New Zealand. The authorities will serve you with a deportation order if you do not make your exit voluntarily.

Is it possible to appeal a Section 61 decision?

It is not possible to make an appeal for a Section 61 decision. However, you can approach the high court for judicially reviewing the decision. But even in that case, the judge will only review the decision-making process of the INZ and not your personal circumstances.

What to do if your Section 61 request is approved?

If your Section 61 request is approved, you have to pay the visa fees and the correct fee for anyone else you included in your application. If you haven’t provided your card details, the authorities will contact you to do the same.

Do you want to discuss your case with our licensed immigration advisers?

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