How International Students in NZ Can Save Time and Money with Cross Credit

International Students NZ Save Time Money with Cross Credit
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought significant changes to the global education industry, with the closure of New Zealand borders being one of the most significant ones. Despite these challenges, international students who are interested in studying in New Zealand can still take proactive measures to save time and money when they do get enrolled in a college/university program. One of the most effective ways of doing so is by leveraging cross credits.

What is Cross Credit?

Cross credit is a term used in New Zealand to describe the process of recognizing the successful completion of a course or paper at one institution and counting it towards the credit requirements of another program at a different institution. In other words, if a student has already taken a course that covers the same material as a course they are required to take at their new institution, they can get credit for the course they’ve already completed.

Benefits of Cross Credit

One of the most significant benefits of cross credit is the ability to save time and money. If an international student can get credit for some of the papers they are required to take, they can complete their degree or diploma faster and at a lower cost. This is because they will have to take fewer courses, which means they will spend less time and money on tuition, textbooks, and other course-related expenses.

NZ Universities Encouraging Cross Credits

Many top universities in New Zealand encourage international students to apply for cross-credits. However, different universities have their own requirements for cross credits, so students need to research their specific institution’s policies. Some universities may readily apply cross-credits to the student’s record, while others may require more documentation to ensure that the student has indeed completed a course that covers the same material as the course they are looking to skip.

Process of Applying for Cross Credit

To apply for cross credit, international students need to submit their academic transcripts or work experience, which proves their eligibility for cross credits. They may also be asked several questions about the program or work experience and how it’s relevant to their academic and career progression. The university faculty will then review the application and decide whether to approve the cross credits.

Consult with a Licensed Immigration Adviser

It’s essential to consult with a licensed immigration adviser before applying for cross credits. This is because cross-credits can impact the duration of a student’s post-study work visa. An immigration adviser can guide students through the application process and advise them on the impact of cross credits on their visa status.


International students who are interested in studying in New Zealand can take proactive measures to save time and money. Leveraging cross credits is one of the most effective ways of doing so. By researching their institution’s cross credit policies and working with a licensed immigration adviser, international students can complete their degree or diploma faster and at a lower cost.

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